
As Easy As #1, #2, #3

I signed up for this. Yep, sure did. Used permanent marker and everything.

#2 was rearin’ to go in the 5AM hour (ahhhgain), with #1 and #3 quick on his heels, darkness mocking us through the window. With her 3AM smorgasbord erased from her memory, #3 was amped up for breakfast while #1 and #2 were just amped up — lap after obnoxious lap around our house on their riding toys — darkness still pointing and snickering.

#1 and #2 played, whined/argued, got dressed, whined/argued, watched a show, whined/argued, made a flipping mess of our house, whined/argued, and rounded out the morning with some whining and arguing.

#1 eventually left for preschool while #2 entertained himself independently for a grand total of zero minutes THE. WHOLE. TIME. #1 was gone. No, actually that’s a lie. He did in fact conquer one independent feat. #2 went #2 independently… insisted on wiping independently… and we’ll just leave it there.

Loaded #2 and #3 into the car for swimming lessons… #3 wailed. Then loaded #2 and #3 into the car for a *quick* trip to the grocery store… #2 wanted a snaaaaaack. Then loaded #2 and #3 into the car for a pitstop at home… #3 wailed and #2 ultimately fed his lunch to the kitchen floor. Then loaded #2 and #3 into the car to retrieve #1 from school… #3 wailed, #2 zonked out, and #1 refused to talk about her day. We arrived home. #3 – uh-huh, still wailing. #2 – was floppy-necked in a car seat saturated with liquid #1. And #1 – she exited through the trunk with darn near 50 stuffed animals.

Evidently a tornado struck our house at some juncture – leaving things strewn about EV-ER-Y-WHERE. #1, #2, #3, and I maneuvered our way through the rubble and up the stairs. Nap time was on the horizon (insert an angelic choir and some hallelujahs)… but first… naked #2 needed a new pair of drawers, #1 needed to ask eight million questions before I dare shut her door, and #3 needed everything a wee six-week old needs.

Oh, I’m sorry, did I say nap time?! Haha. Silly, silly me. #2 was fresh from a 10-minute power nap. Duh! #1 loves sheep, but she wasn’t about to count them. Double duh! But #3 – bless her heart – would take notice of the desperation in my eyes and obediently oblige. 33%… I suppose I’ll take it. After all, we’re halfway to bedtime, right?!

I’ll tell you what. A day in the life of having kids… it’s as easy as #1, #2, #3.

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