Brad Paisley.
Not only does he create incredible country music, but he also formulated a pretty rad quote for the New Year.
“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.”
A good one.
A New York Times best seller.
A year’s worth of jubilation; a really cool page 134; a string of well-written pages you can’t help but dog-ear and reread over and over again.
That’s my wish for your 2018 story.
But I know. Volume 2017 or 2015 or 1995 sits on the shelf as proof that sometimes, mid-sentence, life can snatch the pen from your hand and scribble on the pages of your book. Uninvited authors like sickness, disappointment, turmoil, misfortune, stress, and loss — revamping your story’s plot and threatening your happily ever after. Too many tear-stained pages to count; too little energy to write another word, let alone another edition.
I implore you… seize the pen back (or ask a kick@$$ friend help you) and keep writing. Your story is important — each and every twist, each and every turn, each and every page, each and every book.
Keep writing.
Happy New Year, friends.
[As for those uninvited authors, I hope they all get paper cuts and die.]